stuff going on

On: Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I applied for a job at Radio Shack yesterday, and they are having a "Hiring Fair" tommorow. This means they are basically conducting on-the-spot interviews with anyone willing to show up. Pray that this goes well for me please, as I REALLY need to get a summer job, and Radio Shack would be an awesome way to vent nerdyness while getting payed in the process. Also, I've recently started to use Twitter a lot more. Oh, and I just got my hands on an LCD monitor to go alongside my laptop on the table. And I'm home from school for the summer... Dang, a lot's gone on since I last updated O_O So yup, I'm still alive. I just haven't found the time to throw stuff up here recently. If this job at the shack comes through though, I may just have a chance to review the Palm Pre before it releases, which would be so awesome words can't even describe it. So keep checking back every once in a while, I promise I'm not dead.

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